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Tips and Advice

Finding Fast Success With a Franchise and HomeAdvisor

Mike Aruanno, founder of Paul Davis Restoration of Northern DE, has a strong business background and robust experience in the franchise industry. When he started his emergency services company two years ago, it was a strategic move. He wanted to start a company he could run with his son – and retire on. And emergency…


5 Home Service Industry Trends | CareyBrosPros Podcast

Craig Smith, COO of ANGI Homeservices, recently got the chance to sit down with the Carey brothers of the CareyBrosPros podcast. Within their podcast, James and Morris Carey provide up-to-date information and advice to home service industry pros that will help them grow and maintain their businesses. In his interview with the Carey brothers, Craig…


How I Achieved High Rankings, Credibility and Revenue

Arthur “Art” Miller is the owner of Engineered Retaining Walls, LLC in Riceville, Tennessee. He’s built an award-winning company, over 1,000 retaining walls, and an impressive reputation. (He has a perfect streak of 5-star reviews on his HomeAdvisor profile!) And he’s also committed to paying his success forward, encouraging others to start their own businesses…


The 5 Most Difficult Client Behaviors (And How to Handle Them)

You can probably list the difficult client behaviors you see time and time again as a home service professional. But you may not have an effective strategy for dealing with those behaviors. No matter how hard you try, some client interactions cause friction and have you stressing both on and off the job site. Minimize…


An Industry Expert and Mentor’s Open Secrets to Success

Tanner Mullen, owner of Premium Painting in Ocala, Florida, and founder of PaintingStartup.com, was on a different track before he joined HomeAdvisor and launched his painting business. He’d earned a degree in business and worked in hospitality, management and sales – trades that, at first glance, seemed worlds apart from the summer painting work he…


How to Use Apps to Streamline Your Business

With apps, you can streamline your business processes and save time – which frees you up to focus on your clients, your team and your company growth. If you’re still working with paper and a pencil most of the day, try some of these app alternatives and see how much more you can accomplish. You…


Tips Top Contractors Learned The Hard Way (So You Don’t Have To)

They say some lessons can be learned only through experience. But you can skip ahead with these tips from Angi Leads (formerly HomeAdvisor) pros who’ve seen it all! Download PDF 16 Pieces of Advice From Top Contractors Do you ever wish you could go back in time and tell your former self all of the…

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