How to Win Millennial Customers

Millennials represent nearly 40 percent of homeowners, according to the researchers at the Urban Institute. And as they get older, this number will only grow. This makes millennials the largest and most influential group of consumers in America — and if you want to win their business (and their loyalty), it’s important to understand and cater to their needs. Here are five ways to help your business stand out to the country’s mightiest consumers.

1. Meet them where they are – online.

The best way to reach millennial homeowners is to meet them where they already are: on their computers, smart phones and tablets. Online marketplaces like Angi make it easy to get your business in front of millennials looking for help with home services — and to build their trust by providing easy access to pricing and ratings and reviews. It’s also a good idea to have your own up-to-date website and social media pages.

2. Keep them informed.

Millennials like to make informed purchasing decisions and will seek out information on your business and the industry from several sources before signing a check. So, once you have your online pages set up, maximize their potential by giving your customers as much information on your company as possible.

Take Instagram-worthy photos of your past jobs and post them directly to your website, Angi Leads (formerly HomeAdvisor Pro) profile and social media pages. Post before and after pictures side-by-side to show homeowners your skills and add explanations of the work to demonstrate your expert knowledge. Think about creating articles, blog posts and videos about your work and your company to excite prospective customers about what you can do and help them to trust your credentials.

3. Get Reviews.

Millennial consumers love to check reviews before making a purchase — in fact, over 80 percent of the millennials seek outside opinions before buying, according to a study by Mintel. And they aren’t the only ones. The same study found that almost 70 percent of overall consumers check reviews!

So, increase your chances of being hired by asking past and present customers to rate your work. Provide links to the review section of your website or Angi Leads (formerly HomeAdvisor Pro) profile to make it easy for them, and make sure potential customers can find those reviews easily as they research your company.

4. Make it easy to get in touch.

Empower your customers to act (and make it easier for them to hire you) by creating a simple way to get in touch and schedule appointments. Millennials have a thirst for speed, efficiency and convenience, so be sure to offer them options like instant booking and instant connection to your company. Giving your customer control over how they engage with you increases the odds that they will reach out — and that you’ll score a job with a millennial homeowner.

5. Go green.

Millennials care about the planet, and 73 percent of this demographic is willing to pay more for sustainable goods, according to a Nielson poll. So consider some ways that you can make your business practices a little bit greener. Does your company dispose of waste from projects that could be recycled instead? Can you encourage your employees to carpool to work? Research sustainable material offerings for your clients and be sure to have these options ready to go when asked! Once you have some sustainable solutions implemented, be sure to talk about it with customers or post about it on your website — and increase your chances of appealing to a millennial customer.


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