Average Landscaper Salary

Landscaper and groundskeeper salaries average $30,000 per year or $14 per hour, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Wages depend on industry, years of experience, skill or training, and local demand.

Though landscapers and groundskeepers can differ slightly, the BLS reports them together as one trade. Specialty jobs like arborists and landscape supervisors, designers and architects can make significantly more.

Landscaper Pay Scale
Skill Level Hourly Yearly
Entry-Level (0-3 years) $9 – $12 $19,000 – $28,000
Mid-Level (3-6 years) $12 – $15 $27,000 – $32,000
Experienced (7+ years) $15 – $17 $30,000 – $40,000+

How much do landscapers make an hour?

Landscapers make an average of $9 to $17 per hour. In entry-level positions, they make $9 to $12 per hour. In mid-level positions, they make $12 to $15 per hour. More experienced landscapers make $15 to $17 per hour.

How much do landscapers make a year?

Landscapers make an average of $20,000 to $35,000 per year. In entry-level positions, they can make $19,000 to as much as $28,000. In mid-level positions, they make $27,000 to $32,000. Experienced landscapers can make anywhere from $30,000 to over $40,000.

Landscapers Wages

The current population of individuals in this trade make the following, respective of each other:

10th percentile: $10 per hour &
$20,000 per year
25th percentile: $11 per hour &
$23,000 per year
50th percentile: $13 per hour &
$28,000 per year
75th percentile: $17 per hour &
$34,000 per year
90th percentile: $21 per hour &
$43,000 per year

Those in West Virginia are in the 25th percentile, making $11 to $12 per hour. Those in Washington State are in the 75th percentile, at $17 per hour. Landscapers in the San Francisco area are in the 90th percentile, with salaries of around $44,000 per year.

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Landscapers Salary by State

The highest paying areas for landscapers and groundskeepers are Washington DC, Alaska, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Washington. The lowest paying states and territories for the trade are Puerto Rico, Guam, West Virginia, Mississippi and Arkansas.

Best & Worst States for Landscapers
States/Districts Hourly Yearly
Washington, D.C. $18.50 $38,490
Alaska $18.03 $37,500
Massachusetts $17.50 $36,410
Connecticut $17.40 $36,180
Washington $16.85 $35,040
Puerto Rico $9.84 $20,470
Guam $10.22 $21,270
West Virginia $11.56 $24,050
Mississippi $11.89 $24,760
Arkansas $11.90 $24,760

Wages for this trade can vary from metropolitan to nonmetropolitan areas, though not as clearly as in other services, like electricians or plumbers. Some of the highest paying areas are actually nonmetropolitan, such as:

  • Nantucket Island and Martha’s Vineyard: $52,000 per year.
  • Southeast Alaska: $40,000 per year.

These nonmetropolitan areas pay more than or equivalent to some of the top metropolitan areas, like:

  • The San Francisco area at $44,000 per year.
  • Fairbanks, Alaska at $40,000.

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Job Market Competition

California has the most landscapers and groundskeepers in the country, with nearly 107,000. The state with the second most is Florida, with 82,000. Texas is third, with almost 67,000. There are usually more landscapers in metropolitan areas than nonmetropolitan areas. For example:

  • Los Angeles Area: 32,000
  • Merced, CA: 430

The states and territories with the fewest landscapers and groundskeepers are the Virgin Islands, with 280; Guam, with 560; and Washington DC, with 670. Alaska also has a very low number, at 920.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the landscaping industry will grow 11 percent between 2016 and 2026. This increase would add around 135,000 professionals to the trade.

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